This is Water, This is Water

In a world overwhelmed by the excess, where the relentless pursuit of everything has left us feeling disconnected, overworked, overstimulated and disengaged, “This Is Water, This Is Water” takes place as a manifesto for Presentness. Questioning the Super-modernity and our ways of living, the book analyses how capitalism has shaped numerous aspects of the post-modern life. The second section, on the other hand, creates a counter-action through a series of different voices that—with their ideas and artistic practices—challenge the status quo and inspire a paradigm shift. A visual essay interrupts the text from beginning to end, visually exploring the chaos and alienation of the super-modern, contemporary world. Superimposed, an excerpt from David F. Wallace’s commencement speech: thanks to the metaphor of the water, we are reminded to pay attention, day-in and day-out, to everything surrounding us.

Category: Editorial (student project)
Designed with: Mark Schlickmann, 2023
348 pages, 15×24 cm
Softcover, laminated dust jacket
Pictures of the visual essay sourced by: Daniel Everett, Martin Leuvrey, Satoshi Fujiwara, Michael Wolf, Salvatore Vitale, Gillian Wearing, Stephen Shore
Typefaces: JJannon by Optimo + Suisse Int’l by Swiss Typefaces

𓅠 Nominated: Laus Awards 2024

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Last update: 𓅧 April 2024